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Friday, November 21, 2014

Photo a Day Thursday and Friday

November 20
It's really tiny, but my little flashlight puts out a really bright light.

November 21
One of my favorite pairs of shoes. I don't wear wedges much
since Alex was born, but I still like them.

Thanks for reading and looking.
Blessings :-)


  1. In my 20s, I wore heels every single day, but the last time I wore wedges, I threw my back out. :) I'm much more comfortable in flats, but have a heel spur so need some sort of cushion. Getting older ain't always easy. Ha! Have a great day. Tammy

    1. I wore them a lot in my 20s, too. Now, I only wear them for work or an occasional outing. I have to have some kind of heel because of my flat feet, so my sneakers are my favorites.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks :-) They were way too expensive but I just had to have them (and the matching pair in blue, too!).

  3. I can't handle any type of heels in a lady-like fashion! :-(

    1. I can only handle short heels or wedges. Too high and I'm clumping along like a football player!

  4. Lovely photos - those shoes are just gorgeous x

  5. Cute pictures. I can't wear heels either--I'm rather flat footed. As a younger woman I remember the PAIN of wearing heels to impress the guys lol. Now, as a woman of a certain age, I'm a sneaker lover--I have 6 pairs in an assortment of colors. Beware the sneaker clearance sales because I'll be at the head of the line for a new pair ;) !

    1. Thanks :-) Ooh, I remember those days of super cute very uncomfortable shoes! Glad they're behind me. I love sneakers the best, too. I'll join you for the clearance sales!
